Source code for qtealeaves.models.bosehubbard

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Setup of Bose-Hubbard models.

import qtealeaves as qtl
from qtealeaves import modeling

__all__ = ["get_bose_hubbard_1d", "get_bose_hubbard_2d"]

[docs] def get_bose_hubbard_1d(): """ Return the Bose-Hubbard model and its operators in one dimension for open boundary conditions. **Returns** model : instance of :class:`QuantumModel` Contains the Hamiltonian of the system. bose_ops : instance of :class:`TNOperators` Contains the operators required for the quantum Ising model. **Details** The Bose-Hubbard model comes with three parameters to be defined, i.e., the system size `L`, the tunneling strength `J`, and the on-site interaction `U`. """ model_name = lambda params: "BoseHubbard_J%2.4f" % (params["J"]) model = modeling.QuantumModel(1, "L", name=model_name) model += modeling.LocalTerm("nint", strength="U") model += modeling.TwoBodyTerm1D(["bdagger", "b"], 1, strength="J", prefactor=-1) model += modeling.TwoBodyTerm1D(["b", "bdagger"], 1, strength="J", prefactor=-1) bose_ops = qtl.operators.TNBosonicOperators() return model, bose_ops
[docs] def get_bose_hubbard_2d(): """ Return the Bose-Hubbard model and its operators in one dimension for open boundary conditions. **Returns** model : instance of :class:`QuantumModel` Contains the Hamiltonian of the system. bose_ops : instance of :class:`TNOperators` Contains the operators required for the quantum Ising model. **Details** The Bose-Hubbard model comes with three parameters to be defined, i.e., the system size `L`, the tunneling strength `J`, and the on-site interaction `U`. The tunneling in x-direction and y-direction are equally strong. """ model_name = lambda params: "BoseHubbard_J%2.4f" % (params["J"]) model = modeling.QuantumModel(2, "L", name=model_name) model += modeling.LocalTerm("nint", strength="U") model += modeling.TwoBodyTerm2D( ["bdagger", "b"], [1, 0], strength="J", prefactor=-1 ) model += modeling.TwoBodyTerm2D( ["b", "bdagger"], [1, 0], strength="J", prefactor=-1 ) bose_ops = qtl.operators.TNBosonicOperators() return model, bose_ops